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SketchMatrix for Microsoft Windows Vista, XP, 2000, Me, and 98SE Buy on-line with confidence - using a major credit-card - we partner only with leading e-commerce companies, so that your buying experience is safe and hassle-free. The information you supply on-line is encrypted using the highest encryption standards, and you immediately receive your License KEY by e-mail upon payment confirmation. You can also pay by Wire-transfer, Phone, Fax, or through postal mail. Note: If the below purchase link does not work, it may be down for maintenance - please use the Sketchmatrix - alternate Point Of Sale, or try after a while. If you continue experiencing difficulties, please e-mail, or call +61 408 268762
Commercial license: has the same functionality as the Artist Edition, except that it is additionally licensed for commercial use. Multiple licenses may be purchased for use on more than one computer. Volume purchase discounts are available - please send request for quote to or call +61 408 268762 to discuss your requirement. EULA: Software use is subject to an End User License Agreement [EULA] - you may review the terms of this EULA by Clicking Here. Privacy Policy: NeuralTek does not store or even 'see' the financial account information that you submit [such as credit card numbers] - these are encrypted following the highest encryption standards, then passed to the relevant banking institution for processing. NeuralTek only receives your order fulfillment details, and will only use this to contact you regarding product support, informing you of new updates/ products, etc. Specifically, NeuralTek will never sell or share any of this information with any third party; plus in all our mailings, you will have the option to discontinue receiving further communications. Refund Policy: Refunds are only provided under special circumstances, and upon NeuralTek's sole discretion. As a matter of general policy, we do not provide refunds once you have received your License KEY [due to the nature of electronically delivered KEYs, we have no enforcement mechanism to get the 'sold goods' back]. With shareware such as this, you have the opportunity to try the software features before deciding to purchase - that's perhaps the best GUARANTEE you can get for your total satisfaction.